Field Education

Welcome to the Field

Social work is a multifaceted profession and requires you to develop a knowledge, skill, and value base that can support a complex array of activities across diverse settings. The field internship has historically been one of the key elements in social work education, providing an opportunity for you to build, integrate and apply your knowledge with a client population within an agency setting. Under the guidance of agency field Instructors, students "try their wings," taking on greater and greater levels of responsibility. Field internships provide you with an opportunity to build a repertoire of skills and enhance your sense of identification with the profession. This important educational experience is often referred to as the “signature pedagogy” of social work education and signifies a transition to the professional work world. For all of these reasons, students often report that field is one of the most important and challenging parts of the curriculum.

For your convenience, we have provided links to access the Field Education Manual, Field Application, Learning Contract, Internship Evaluation and current CSWE Competencies. These PDF documents are intended to provide information to both you and your field instructor to ensure a successful field experience. Feel free to contact the Field Director at any time for additional information or questions.

Field Education Documents